Make a Wish Lightsaber Battle for Dexter
Submitted by Sunrider on Wed, 11/01/2017 - 22:41
Charity Supported:
Event Description:
This was a Make a Wish event for Dexter, a 10-year-old terminally ill Star Wars fan. He has been battling Neuroblastoma Cancer for the past three years. Last May the doctors have told him there is nothing more they can do and have given him a year to live and to live his life to the fullest while he has time. He has made a “Bucket List” and was flown with his family to San Diego to check off as many things as they can. One item on the list is to have a giant Star Wars lightsaber battle. Legion members were there to help make the battle more real and exciting and a great lasting memory. After Dexter battled the first year with Chemo, radiation, surgery and antibody therapy he was clear of Cancer for almost exactly a year. Then the scans showed almost exactly a year later it came back and with this cancer, there is nothing they can do. You can read about Dexter here and there is a link to his “Bucket-List”
Event Date:
Saturday, October 21, 2017
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